Monday, October 13, 2008


Meditation ,as Babuji defined,is to think about one thing continuously-without break.
''It must be easy because you're always thinking''.
HE said,''yes,but you are thinking thousand thoughts, and no thought is complete,and no thought leads anywhere because it is not complete.''
So''What is a complete thought?''
HE said, ''A complete thought is like digging a well. go on digging until you find water'',''But that means only one thought'',''
'' To think continuously about one thing, at one time.''
So meditation is digging a well.
So it requires patience,it requires effort,hard effort and of course,it requires time.
So Babuji Maharaj said ''without patience there is no success.'' ''So with patience you need to work also.''

1 comment:

Sw said...

Hello Bala krishna,
I am abhyasi of Shri Ram Chandra Mission and I understand you are also one. We are advised not to put the content from the Mission literature on blogs or on web sites. All the content is proprietary of SRCM and should not be reproduced in any way with out prior permission.
